Review in Realtime

This link (click on title of post) takes you to a great article on the Inhabit Project 2010 that i was part of:

It starts as

......"In-habit was an exceptional, inventively curated month-long series of 11 performance, live art and installation works situated in and around the Abbottsford convent. Involving nine key artists, more than a dozen associate artists and numerous participants, these artworks emerged out of a collective residency at the convent established by artistic director Jude Anderson exploring site/place/space and cultural exchange".......

Barry Laing is a Melbourne-based performance maker and writer who teaches at Victoria University and Monash University. He is an Associate Editor of Theatre, Dance and Performance Training Journal, Routledge, UK.

RealTime issue #96 April-May 2010 pg. 33


Anonymous said...

Hello Tara Gilbee. Are you THE Tara Gilbee of RMH group 188? If not, just ignore me! I used to go by the last name 'Mugleston'. I know, most unfortunate!

Tara Gilbee said...

Yep that Tara!!!